Team Club blew it up last night with its first official gathering. D.G. hit it out of the park with his selection, which was not only a fine film but a beautiful symbol for the group. Billy the Kid had his own Team Club but they were called the Regulators and instead of watching movies they pursued justice as outlaws. They were boys with dreams, hangups and principals. They knew the value of pals and sticking together and they liked to party hard, like us. This scene was one of the great highlights of the evening and will be a good measuring stick for future comedic selections: "it is funny but is it young guns dream quest funny?"
The gathering seemed to find a natural routine on its own: we showed up at our leisure, hungout, got beer, chatted, smoked some grass (all of us), told some stories, relayed memories of Young Guns and then got to the movie watching. After the film finished D.G. brought out his talking points and we discussed the film. Topics covered included, what was Billy the Kid's most bad ass moment, what Regulator is each member of Team Club (we're probably (and unfortunately) all Doc), the cinematography , acting, music, mind games and others.
The evening was joyous and inspiring and worth any sacrifice that was made to be there. Next week Senior Senior is making the selection. It has begun.
we are cool.
sweet doc montage.
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